54. Global Meditation - Rose Pink Pomander | Archangeloi Chamael
The Rose Pink Pomander: Comes at a time when it's necessary for people to understand their relationship with the being of the Earth, when we're in a city our connection with the Earth underneath our feet is through concrete or through tarmac so there's a disconnect between us and the being of Earth. From the heart we need the connection to the being of the Earth. The Rose Pink Pomander helps us to connect with the being of the Earth and for her to feel that our caring and warmth, our love joins with what the being of the Earth is offering us as an opportunity. Every soul that comes to Earth holds those karmic seeds which are part of the plan for existence, their destiny. The Rose Pink is affirmative of us finding what it is that is meant for us, why we're here and what we are for and particularly in relation to the being of the Earth.
Archangeloi Chamael: May help to bring the energies of love and compassion to what is, which enables us to become more conscious of available support and solutions for day-to-day challenges; in this way we re-establish the equilibrium always accessible in being present.