Aura-Soma Pomander Series
An unmatched resource designed to enhance the use and understanding of the Aura-Soma Pomanders. Presented by Mike Booth a comprehensive overview of all 18 Pomanders in the range
Introduction to the Sequence
The White Pomander
The original Pomander formula with all 49 (7x7) herbs in equal balance, relating to the 7 sub-levels of each of the 7 chakras.
The Red Pomander
Energy and enthusiasm, grounding of purpose and re-vitalising.
The Emerald Green Pomander
Truth and direction, the decision maker. Finding one’s own space, going to the heart of things.
The Deep Red Pomander
Grounding with earth energies and strongly re-energising.
The Pink Pomander
Love and self-acceptance which brings warmth and caring for self and others.
The Coral Pomander
Love Wisdom, to love and care in a new way.
The Pale Coral Pomander
Acceptance. Strong emphasis on relationship, supports the collective working together towards a common goal.
The Gold Pomander
Deep joy in reconnecting with innate and collective wisdom.
The Orange Pomander
Restores balance and stimulates deep insight.
The Yellow Pomander
Fun, laughter and self-knowledge
The Lime Green Pomander
New Growth. Brings a sense of renewed joy to our being
The Olive Green Pomander
Intuitive leadership from the heart. Cleansing and refreshing
The Turquoise Pomander
Heartfelt Communicator. Creativity and playfulness
The Sapphire Blue Pomander
The Royal Blue Pomander
The Violet Pomander
The Magenta Pomander
The Deep Magenta Pomander
End of Sequence